The Burner System To Eliminate Pain And Sculpt Sexy Glutes In Just 15-Minutes A Day.
5 Signs That Your Hips Are Locked Up And Glutes Are Inactive:
  • Do you suffer from nagging low back, hip or knee pain?
  • ​Have you suffered from hamstring strains, IT Band issues or knee pain during running?
  • ​Do only feel your quads and hamstring when you squat, deadlift or run?
  • ​Do your quads seem to get stronger and build muscle, but your glutes never change?
  • ​Do you have a lower belly pooch no matter how much you diet or work your core?!
If so, your glutes are inactive and your hips are locked up!
Sounds like you huh?

You've been searching for an answer and just now reading those 5 signs, it sort of hit you...

OMG! YES! This sounds like me!

You train hard. You stretch. You even roll. You squat and you deadlift all in an attempt to strengthen your glutes and reverse the effects of sitting.

Because you know sitting is bad for you.

But nothing seems to work because you're not addressing the true problem.

A problem that requires proper activation, which is the key to my Burner System to eliminate pain and help you sculpt sexy, strong glutes.

My name is Cori Lefkowith, owner of Redefining Strength. 

I'm going to share with you why the Burner System works in just 15 minutes and the 2 Glute Training Myths holding you back!

But first, let me explain why stretching alone is NOT the answer...
Why Stretching Alone IS NOT The Answer To Unlocking Your Hips...
Ok so maybe you even know your hips are tight. You've heard that before...You know you sit a lot and that can happen. 

Maybe you even think your hamstrings are tight because you've never been able to touch your toes.

So you turn to stretching. 

But stretching doesn't really seem to fix the problem because you just get tight again. You hips may still feel tight and your back may even still feel stiff and sore and achy.

You may be constantly working to touch your toes and even making progress, but nothing seems to really feel better consistently.
To try and stay loose and become more flexible, you just seem to spend more and more time stretching, which isn't really working for you. 


A. You don't like stretching and you only have a short amount of time to workout so you'd rather spend it really sweating and working...and 

B. It feels like a waste of time because after sitting at your computer or in the car or on the spin bike or even running, your hips just seem to tighten right back up.

Since you aren't seeing results, you eventually give up on stretching and instead of doing anything, you keep working out as you have been. 

Which leads to you becoming injured. This happens because your body takes the path of least resistance to perform a movement and you end up compensating and creating imbalances. Aka you overuse muscles that really can't handle the load so they get injured.

Plus often when we spend time stretching things that "feel tight" we aren't really addressing the TRUE ISSUE aka muscle imbalances and instability that leads muscles to tighten up in protection so we don't get injured further.

So what can you do to prevent this if stretching alone isn't the answer?

You can instead combine activation moves and mobility work to get your glutes activated while unlocking your hips. 

By both activating AND stretching, you can get the right muscles working so that you MAINTAIN the mobility and flexibility you need to keep your hips from constantly just tightening back up!

Stretching alone doesn't work because everything we do in our daily lives just leads to our hips tightening right back up ESPECIALLY because we usually aren't ever getting our glutes actually working. In order to keep our hips loose, we need to make sure our glutes are working.

That is why ACTIVATION EXERCISES are essential if we want to not only unlock our hips, but also activate our glutes and prevent injury as well as lift more and run faster! (Plus, strong glutes look pretty darn sexy! And unlocking your hips could even help get rid of that lower belly pooch!)
How Can I Unlock My Hips AND Activate My Glutes?
So if stretching isn't the answer...What should you do to unlock your hips and activate your glutes?

Activation Exercises!

What are Activation Exercises?

Activation Exercises are moves that isolate specific muscles so that you can really focus on building the mind-body connection and get those muscles working properly.
Which is something we desperately need when it comes to our glutes.

When it comes to our glutes, we often don't think about whether or not they are working. We just go through the motions and repeat movements without much thought.

We squat. We deadlift. Heck we even run, but we never think about whether or not our glutes are working.

We sort of just ASSUME they are working.

But because of our modern lifestyle, they often AREN'T working. Because our hips are tight, our glutes are often inactive. 

Compound moves aren't enough because they don't let us build that mind-body connection and really focus on the glutes working. They allow other muscles, like our quads, hamstrings...even our low backs to take over.

That is why we need to include Glute Activation Moves as often as possible.

Glute Activation Exercises will isolate our glutes and help us get them working correctly as we build our mind-body connection to make sure our glutes actually work during compound moves, like squats and deadlifts.

These Activation Exercises will also help improve our hip mobility and hip extension AKA unlock our hips! 

They can help create core stability so that we can actually loosen muscles that feel tight and get everything engaging and working correctly together to prevent injury and build a sexy, strong butt that not only helps us lift more, but also run faster for LONGER.

And the best part is, these moves require little to no equipment and can strengthen and tone our glutes better even sometimes than heavy weights!
The 2 Popular Glute Myths That Are Holding You Back...
#1: Squat To Build A Strong, Sexy Butt
Sorry but squatting is not the answer to great buns of steel. 

And before you go getting super mad and click back off the page, hear me out.

Squats are an amazing leg exercise. And you should do them often.

But they are NOT...I repeat...NOT the best glute exercise for 90% of the population BECAUSE most people never actually activate their glutes during squats. They may feel their quads or their low back or even their hamstrings, but not their butt.

Their hips are too tight and their glutes have shut off because of constant flexion or even injury. So they never even tap into their glutes when they do wonderful moves like squats and deadlifts.
And I'm saying this as a person who loves squats and includes them in not only her own workouts but also her clients.

HOWEVER, when I want to develop my glutes, and my clients, I don't turn to squats.

If you want to build a strong, sexy butt and activate your glutes while unlocking your hips, you NEED to do isolation exercises. Those, sometimes silly-looking, moves make sure your glutes are firing so you can actually benefit from all of that squatting you are doing. 

What we don't realize because of all of the social media hype is that squats simply don't activate as many gluteal muscle fibers as some other, more isolated and even bodyweight, movements do. 

Because all we see is a girl with a great butt squatting.

So if you're wondering why you aren't getting the results you want even though you're squatting a ton, it may be because you aren't activating those glutes first!
#2: Your Hamstrings Are Tight And You Need To Be Able To Touch Your Toes
Being able to touch your toes means absolutely nothing...except you can touch your toes.

This IS NOT a sign you are flexible enough. 

It means nothing. How the heck it really came to be seen as important...Well I have no idea.

But it doesn't mean you're flexible.

It could mean you have short legs. Or long arms. Or well...both at the same time.

But it doesn't mean you are flexible.

And on top of that, your hamstrings may not really be the issue.

Heck even being super flexible may not help you engage your glutes or prevent the problems caused by inactive glutes.

Being super flexible and being able to stick your leg behind your head doesn't mean you'll be injury-free...heck it even can cause its own host of injuries and problems. 
But back to the real issue...stretching your hamstrings.

Often we "think" we need to stretch our hamstrings more because they "feel" tight. I put "feel" in quotes because they can feel tight even if they don't need, and even shouldn't, be stretched.

When something "feels tight" it can often mean the muscle is shortened. When a muscle is "shortened," it needs to be stretched.

HOWEVER, muscles can also feel tight when they are OVERSTRETCHED aka over lengthened and not at their ideal.

This is actually more often the case when it comes to our hamstrings. Heck, they can even feel tight because they are protecting our body from further injury because of glute inactivity and core instability. 

Both core instability and overly lengthened hamstrings are usually the reason our hamstrings feel tight. 

This doesn't mean you shouldn't stretch your hamstrings and mobilize your hips. BUT it does mean you need to stop obsessing over touching your toes.

And it may mean by focusing more on stretching your HIPS that your hamstrings will feel less tight.

Yup...Stretching your HIPS and activating your glutes may actually help with your hamstrings always feeling super tight...tight even when you stretch them!

Ever heard of Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Well that may be the REAL PROBLEM!
I've Heard That Term Before...
But What The Heck Is Anterior Pelvic Tilt And How Can I Activate My Glutes!?!
Anterior Pelvic Tilt...It's kind of a sexy term right now. 

But what the heck does it mean and why is it important for you to know?

Well...Anterior Pelvic Tilt is often that position you see where people arch their low backs and stick their butts out. Their pelvic is tilted anteriorly or forward.

What this means is that their hips are tight, causing their pelvic to "tilt" forward and their low back to arch. This can cause their hamstrings to become overstretched, their glutes to be inactive and even their core to be unstable. 
So when your hamstrings feel tight? It may actually be that your hips are tight and causing them to be overstretched.

AKA why you need to not focus on only stretching your hamstrings.

And that Anterior Pelvic Tilt is not only your hips being locked up, but your glutes being inactive and even your core being weak!

Glute inactivity and weakness that won't be cured by squatting along (aka even more flexing of the hips), but instead needs specific moves targeted at hip extension and activation.

What all of this really means is....You need to include more glute activation to improve your hips extension, activate your glutes, unlock your hips and reverse that Anterior Pelvic Tilt!
The Answer Is Simple:
Unlock Your Hips And Activate Your Glutes With These Moves!
You know those moves that look so silly? That require no bodyweight and even sometimes look like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant or someone humping the air?

Well those silly looking moves are exactly what you need to be doing. 

Bodyweight exercises allow most of us to contract our glutes harder. And studies have even shown that moves done quadruped, prone or even supine often have higher glute activation percentages than standing. 

Plus these moves allow us to isolate the glutes and establish that mind-body connection when we are unable to feel our glutes working during compound exercises. 

These higher rep, lighter resistance moves help us work on hip extension and hip hyperextension (aka helping to unlock your hips) as we activate our glutes. And because they are done with lighter resistance for a higher volume, they really help us get those glutes burning and working.

Because our glutes are made up of more slow twitch muscle fibers, the higher reps can really help us make sure they are fully activated!

So...What does this all mean?

It means those silly little moves are the moves you MUST DO if you want results.

It means you've got to start implementing these exercises into your workout routine and use them to open your hips, build that mind-body connection and get those glutes burning!

But it isn't as simple as stringing together some random moves on some random days! You need a system and set of workouts in place focused on targeting your glutes from every angle, while the isolate them and get them working AKA BURNING!
That is why I developed my Booty Burner Workout System!
Stop The Pain With The Booty Burner System?
I suffered a severe hip injury years ago. I was deadlifting close to 300lbs and thought everything must be working correctly if I could lift that much. And I'd never had a problem until all of the sudden....BAM! severe pain and limping around for weeks.

It was then I realized that, while I didn't think I had a problem...I really did.

My glutes weren't activating. 

My body was compensating to lift the weight and, because I was overloading muscles that couldn't and shouldn't handle the load, I ended up injured.
But nothing I did seemed to activate my glutes well enough...I tried squatting since I'd read that was the best butt exercise. But it didn't work. I tried lifting heavy for my glutes. I tried just stretching and rolling my hips. 

Nothing was really getting my glutes working and every few weeks, my hip injury would flare back up. 

I needed to find a way to really get my glutes working and engaged so I could feel that pump!

That is when I created the Booty Burner System.

By putting together isolation exercises to target the glutes from every angle, I could work all three gluteal muscles and improve my hip stability and mobility. I could use high volume with low resistance and really get them pumped and burning. 

I used moves that activated the glutes better and allowed me to contract my glutes harder.

I created a system that helped me unlock my hips and activate my glutes in record time.

Which not only has kept my hip injury from ever returning, but also gave me some nice firm glutes which don't look too shabby either!

So if you're ready to get strong, sexy glutes and unlock those tight hips to prevent pain and help you run faster and lift more WITHOUT injury, then it's time to take myBooty Burner Program!
Are You Ready To Unlock Your Hips And Activate Your Glutes?
 Get My Booty Burner Program!
In my Booty Burner Program, I've laid everything out for you. I've tested the workouts and exercises myself and on my clients. 

These are workouts that will help you get your glutes working to not only build strong, sexy glutes but also help you prevent injury and lift more and run faster!

With your Booty Burner Program, you'll learn how to isolate and activate your glutes. You'll also even strengthen your core from every angle as strong abs also help prevent pain and injury!

These workouts are based on my Booty Burner System and focus on creating that pump in your glutes while also making sure to work all THREE gluteal muscles.
This helps improve hip stability and develop a firm, strong butt!

The workouts are all under 15 minutes too and can be added on as part of your warm up, as a burner or even done on their own as a great glute-focused workout!

They use isolation movements to target your glutes. Bodyweight exercises, and light loads, allow you to get a harder contraction. And volume and less rest to make sure you really pump and burnout those glutes for maximal results in less time!

So if you're ready to start getting even better results from your workouts and the strong, sexy, ACTIVATE glutes you want, it's time to join my Booty Burner Program!
What You'll Get With My Booty Burner Program...
You want strong, sexy glutes and abs to prevent pain and injury. Heck, maybe you even want to run faster and lift more.

BUT you don't necessarily have a ton more time to spend working out. And maybe you even want something quick and easy you can do at home...

That is why I created these under 15-minute booty burner workouts requiring only a mini band, bench and your own bodyweight. They can be done as part of your current routine, on recovery days or even as a program on their own. 

And they can even be done at home or when you travel! (Actually I LOVE this routine for when I travel. It can be done in the hotel room AND it opens up my hips after driving or flying!)
BAll of the routines come in an easy-to-follow e-book you can download to any device. AND the quick review images in the book help remind you of all of the movements in case you forget!

BUT if you prefer to FOLLOW ALONG AND WORKOUT WITH ME, there are also VIDEO WORKOUTS you can do to help you master the moves and stay on track. 

PLUS, if you are new to a move, you have access to a complete exercise library with videos, pictures and written descriptions of all of the moves to help guide you.

And on top of the Booty Burner Program, I'm also going to give you my 5 Bulletproof Your Body Burner Workout Videos. These quick mobility series will help you foam roll and stretch commonly tight muscles and activate underactive ones to avoid injury and loosen up!

So whether you've had foot and ankle issues or even knee pain in the past, these mobility series are a great addition to your routine.

And in case you want that extra fun and killer bodyweight cardio routine to do with your Booty Burners, you'll get my 5 Rapid Fat Blaster Workout E-book to help you burn more fat and build more muscle for a strong and sexy core.

Plus, since getting results from your workouts also means dialing in your diet, I'm going to give you two of my FAVORITE recipes guides including, the 10 Sweet Treats Recipe Guide and the 5 Make-Ahead Healthy Casserole Recipes Guide.

So if you're ready to activate, strengthen and tone those glutes, click below to get all of these great programs and guides TODAY:
  • Immediate Booty Burner Program Access
  • ​Booty Burner Workout Videos - Follow along with me every day
  • ​5 Bulletproof Your Body Mobility Burner Workout Videos
  • ​5 Rapid Fat Blaster Workouts
  • ​10 Sweet Treats Recipe Guide
  • ​5 Make-Ahead Healthy Casserole Recipes Guide
Join The Booty Burner Program
Do the first workout today and already feel those glutes working!
 Just $47 (Usually $67)
This is a ONE-TIME FEE! There are no hidden charges or re-occurring dues. I'm not trying to rope you into anything...Honestly, if you aren't going to actually USE this product, don't waste your time buying it! I want you to get results and I think this is the perfect way to help you get them!

YOU WILL NEED A MINI BAND FOR THIS PROGRAM! I do also use a bench but you can modify using a stair or step stool, couch or table!

Get this special rate and instant access to the program! If you sign up today, you'll get an email after completing your order with the Booty Burner Program AND all of the bonuses!


You'll receive an email with links to access the pages with your guides and videos. 
2021 Redefining Strength LLC
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